Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Anna ~ "The Perfect Day"

The Perfect Day

By ~Anna Bowdler

Last winter, Mackenzie and I were racing down the mountain from the top of the Gondola. My dad yelled up to us, “Do you girls want to go down the trail or through the trees?” That day he taught my friend and I how to dive downhill.
The sky was crystal clear. It was beautiful! The sun was sparkling, and the snow was as white as I had ever seen it. Simultaneously, we yelled, “Trees!!!” So we skied through the trees laughing, and at some points screaming, all the way down to the bottom of Thunder. At that point, we continued going straight down the mountain.
At a small clearing, Dad told Mackenzie and me, “Since you girls have improved, you will be able to go down harder runs this year, and you will need to be able to get out of any situation. So I’ll show you how!” He then explained to us that all we had to do was jump head first down the hill, land on our backs, and then swing our legs downward. Obviously, we tried it!
For the next ten minutes, we dove downhill. Each time excitement ran up to me, pushed me down, and sent me into a fit of hysterical laughter.
Later in the day, we skied down Rendezvous Bowl. We were coming down a steep section of the run and MacKenzie and I were having problems. My dad’s solution, “Do what we just learned!”
As I watched MacKenzie dive, I thought back through my entire life. I don’t think I have ever seen my dad have problems on the ski hill unless he wanted to show me how to do something. Then again, he had been a ski race coach at Snow King for twenty YEARS!!
Back in reality, it was my turn to jump. I’ll admit it; I was a little bit scared. It was definitely a steeper hill, and the ground was much harder and packed in. Help me!!!! I thought, a silent plea. However, I knew I was stuck. For another, MacKenzie had just done it and she was fine! I had no choice. Fear gripped my heart as I closed my eyes and dove. In an instant, I on my back and swinging my legs over my body. I stood up and realized I was O.K!!! Then I skied on down the hill in the direction of my friend and personal coach.
You can tell when you’ve had a perfect day, a day you never forget. That day was a perfect example for me.


  1. Anna,
    Great writing! I can visualize this perfect day so well as you describe learning a new level of skiing and being on the moutain. I love the flow of your sentence, "Each time excitement ran up to me, pushed me down, and sent me into a fit of hysterical laughter." It's as if "excitement" is another friend who is out there with you on the mountain. And what a lucky gal you are to have your own "personal coach"! :-)
    Ms. Swiggum (karla, to you!)

  2. 1. That is really cool. I could never understand falling headfirst down a hill.
    2. I can also conect to your story like I would rather choose the trees then a Trail.
    3. You had very good vocabulary even some I didn't know like simultaneously.

    Brady Anderson

  3. 1. I loved your writing! I can totaly relate to what you were feeling.

    2. You had very good word choice, it fit very well.

    3. I really like your story! It seems like you had a lot of fun!
    Great job!

  4. 1.I like how you discribed the setting it felt as if I was there.
    2.I liked how you discribed your feelings.
    3.I like how you used your vocab.

    Julio V.

  5. Anna,

    1. You were so spacific in your writing, I actually felt like I was your friend MacKenzie and I was there skiing at the Village with you.

    2. It was great how you explained how your dad worked as a ski coach at Snow King for 20 years. And how you told us how you and your friend felt when you had to learn how to dive down the mountain.

    3. When I was reading your story, I could see your face, the fear wrapped around your heart and how you had no other choice than to dive down the hill. It was a good thing your dad taught you guys before you got stuck that after right?!?! Well, I thought that it was a great story! Good job Anna!


  6. 1. great vocab,like symotainusley,improved v.s.got better clearing v.s. open spot in the trees
    2."excitment ran up me" really grabed the eaders attenshion
    3."back in reality "shows good disrriptoin of spacing out
