Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jose - "The Last Ride"


The time finally came when I would go with my uncle motorcycle riding. I was so excited that I ran all around the house. My uncle finally came to pick me up, and I rushed to the car before he stopped. My uncle asked, “Are you ready?”
I told him, “Yes!” We were on the way to where thousands of people ride motorcycles in Idaho Falls. I imagined myself four-wheeling on a motorcycle the entire ride. I imagined all the rumbling noises, the dusty road, the muddy puddles, and winning every race. I was going to be awesome.
Unfortunately, we were lost. There were different places to ride, but we were going to the best place of all. But we had never been there before, and we didn’t know where it was. I felt that we were going in circles. My uncle was driving fast and the road was bumpy. I started to feel dizzy. I felt like I was in a space simulation, going in circles very fast. Suddenly I yelled, “Stop the car!” I rushed out the car and puked! I thing it was the ice cream I was eating on the way that made me so sick. My vomit was brown with little red dots and it was gooey! I decided not to eat in the car on the way to Idaho Falls ever again.
That was when I heard the rumbling noises of the motorcycle motors. We followed the noise and found the place. It looked so cool, just how I had imagined in my head. There was dust in the road, but a lot more puddles than I imagined. The rumbling noises, VROOM, were the same. My uncle said, “ You like this place?”
I responded, “It’s so cool!”
When it was my turn to ride alone I was so excited. I didn’t know how to ride; it was my first time. I got on the motorcycle; the seat felt so comfortable I didn’t want to get off. My uncle yelled to me, “Go slow!”
I couldn’t hear him because of the motor. I went as fast as a bullet. I crashed into a big green bush. I flew into a little puddle, and finally, the most horrible thing happened, I crashed into another motorcycle. I jumped super high into the sky. It felt like someone was pushing me very hard. I flew about five feet. That wasn’t the worst part; the worst part was when I hurt my knee. It felt like a dog biting me with big, yellow teeth. It felt like nails were being pounded into my leg because the rocks I landed on were sharp. My knee started to bleed, leaving blood on the rocks. My uncle rushed to me to put something on my knee. I was in pane but not that much, I had an accident but the good part is that I steel had lots of fun.


  1. 1.nice dialoge
    2.i like it you use !!!!! this to make it more powerful.it sucks the reader in
    3.moter cycling is alot of fun in nepal


  2. Jose your story is prirty cool.
    I have gone 4weeling also but i did not barf.
    I realy like your story.
    By Danny morales

  3. Jose i like your story.
    I have gone four-weeling.
    I like your story jose.
    By Danny Morales

  4. I liked your puke description, it really made me feel sick!!!!!
    I connected to your knee how it was bleeding, I fell off a four-wheller and almost broke my knee.
    Your vocabulary was very,very good!!!!
