141-150: ABC order, beginning sound, vowel
151-160: advertisement, business letter, ending sound, fable, journal, legend, list, opposite, outline, rule, short story, synonym, thank-you note, title LU: list
161-170: atlas, bias, biography, chapter, compound word, contraction, cookbook, describe, dictionary, fairy tale, folk tale, index, main idea, note, nursery rhyme, personal narrative, prefix, problem, sign, suffix, table of contents, title page, word family LU: capital letter, comma, command, comparative, contraction, essay, exclamation, exclamation mark, exclamation point, invitation, mark, noun, period, play, punctuation, quetion mark, sentence fragment, sign, superlative, where, word order
171-180: announcement, antonym instructions, main character, make-believe, newspaper, nonfiction, plot, point of view, root word, schedule, science fiction, setting, syllable, tall tale, textbook LU: action verb, apostrophe, capitalize, date, edit, greeting, past tense, possessive, proofread, to describe
181-190: acronym, advertise, almanac, American literature, anecdote, anthology, aphorism, argue, autobiography, bibliography, book review, brochure, caption, category, characteristics, conclusion, context, conversation, description, diary, drama, entertain, excerpt, fact and opinion, fiction, foreshadowing, glossary, graphic organizer, guide words, historical fiction, homonym, inform, job announcement, labels, literature, magazine, main point, manual, memoir, moral, multisyllabic, myth, narrator, news, novel, one-act play, persuade, persuasion, picture book, poet, policy, problem and solution, purpose, recipe, reference book, reference book, reference material, reports, resolution, resource, rhythm, rising action, satire, science book, speaker, stanza, summarize, syllogism, thesaurus, topic, topic sentence, Venn diagram, vocabulary LU: address, adverb, advertise, argument, audience, autobiography, bibliography, book report, book title, chronological order, closing, colon, compound sentence, creative writing, description, diary, drama, ending, exclamatory sentence, expository writing, fiction, figurative language, formal essay, friendly letter, grammar, graphic organizer, heading, hyphen, indent, introduction, literary analysis, main topic, manual, margin, memo, mystery, novel, persuasive writing, plural, proper noun, punctuate, quotation, quotation mark, review, revision, run-on sentence, salutation, semicolon, signature, singular, stanza, subject-verb agreement, supporting detail, tense, to entertain, to inform, to persuade, topic, topic sentence, verb phrase, when
191-200: annotated bibliography, editorial, footnote, metaphor, middle sound, summary, word root LU: abbreviation, classified ad, clause, descriptive writing, editorial, expository, formal language, format, freewrite, future tense, imperative sentence, interjection, journalism, letter closing, main clause, main heading, narrative writing, part of speech, predicate, proofreading, resume, simple sentence, slang, word choice
201-210: alliteration, assonance, assumption, British literature, characterize, chronological, conflict, consonance, coupon, debate, exaggeration, exposition, falling action, field guide, flashback, headline, instruction, irony, literary device, literary element, memorandum, narrate, order of events, parable, persuasive, present tense, primary source historical document, pun, quote, reference, research paper, scene, secondary source, speech, tale, thesis paper, word play, world and ancient literature, world literature LU: abstract, active voice, adjective clause, adjective phrase, adverb clause, alliteration, analyze, antecedent, argumentative, argumentative essay, capitalization, caret, cliche, cluster, common noun, complex sentence, compound-complex sentence, conjunction, declarative sentence, dependent clause, direct object, direct quotation, exposition, expository essay, gerund, humor, hyperbole, independent clause, infinitive phrase, informative essay, interrogative sentence, introductory sentence, irregular verb, language, linking verb, main verb, modifier, noun clause, noun phrase, onomatopoeia, parallelism, parentheses, parody, participial phrase, persona, personification, plural possessive, preposition, prepositional phrase, present tense, prewrite, prewriting, process essay, rough draft, singular noun, subordinate clause, thesis statement, tone, transition, verse, visualize
211-220: allusion, appendix, characterization, contrast, extended metaphor, guide letters, homophone, oxymoron, resolve, suspense LU: comma splice, contrast, documentation, fragment, journalistic, limerick, organization, paraphrase, participial, participle, present participle, to explain
221-230: archetype, contradict, first person, iambic pentameter, metric feet, omniscient, paradox, pathetic fallacy, second person, sonnet, standard English, stereotype, supporting details, symbolism, symbolize, third person, viewpoint LU: allegory, analysis, application, colloquialism, compose, dash, diction, ellipsis, epic poem, expository paragraph, formal outline, how-to essay, infinitive, italics, literary response, persuasive argument, plagiarize, predicate noun, reflexive pronoun, symbolism, tragedy, works cited
231-240: antithesis, metonymy, scansion, synecdoche LU: appositive, objective pronoun, supporting evidence
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Friday, August 28, 2009
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